Here we have anti-science, anti-democracy, anti-black, and any other “anti” his handlers want him to be, “Lt. Gov.” Mark Robinson. I am not a Democrat nor am I a Republican. I am neither left nor right. If I have to choose a label it would be what I am, a PROUD BLACK NATIONALIST. Now I do agree with Democrats on certain issues and Republicans on certain issues. I also don’t have a problem with TRUE Black conservatives. Those who are sincere in their beliefs but are willing to compromise. Some I even admire, like Juan Williams. To this day I am still in love with his book Enough. I also don’t have a problem with criticizing and calling out other Blacks when they do and say stupid things. What I do have a BIG problem with are those “Black conservatives” who go in on Blacks so hard that the Grand Dragon of the KKK would say, “That’s too far, even for me!!” “Black conservatives” who want clout, talk shows, speaking engagements, etc. WSA (White Supremacy Avatars) like Candace Owens, Jesse Lee Peterson(though I will admit I like JLP and I think for the most part it’s an act, lol), Larry Elder, David Clarke, David Harris jr., HK Edgerton, and others. Mark Robinson falls into this category. Along with the rest of the WSA! They’re so hard up for clout and recognition and money that they’d sell their own people down the river. WSA like the Lt. Gov. are just meat puppets. They parrot what their masters/handlers/owners tell them. So then these people can sidestep the accusations of racism and say, “See? You have another Black person who agrees with us, they even said so publicly! So how can we be racists?” They can pretend that it’s all just “politics”, but I’m sorry, the color of your skin cannot be separated from you. No matter how many times some Republican tells you they’re “colorblind” and what “they” did for slaves over 150 years ago. The Lt. Gov. and the rest are nothing but tokens! Candace Owens DARED to say something positive about our people during the Super Bowl halftime show. She got the HELL dragged out of her! Then they gave her the side eye! In all honesty, these knee-grows have chosen their side so personally, I don’t care what happens to them. As long as MY People are safe, do whatever you want to ‘em Alt-Right, Neo-Nazis, KKK, Aryan Nations, National Alliance, Identity Europa, Proud Boys, etc.