Why is it so “wrong” or “racist” for Black people to publicly proclaim pride and love for our People? Saying Black lives matter is so offensive? I could understand if one said ONLY Black lives matter, but no one has or would. That is ridiculous! Yet we hear ALL, BLUE, TRANS, GAY, WHITE, etc, lives matter, and they do. But the odd thing is if they mattered that much why did it take the BLACK LIVES MATTER organization to come out FIRST? This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. It’s comparable to bread and circuses, panem et circenses. Diversion and distraction! “Why doesn’t BLM protest “Black on Black” crime?” Two reasons, the first is it doesn’t exist. It is just CRIME! You are more likely to be a victim of a criminal who looks like you than not. Despite what Stormfront and Butch femboy Richard Spencer tell you. People act as if there is a hierarchy of crime and “Black on Black” is the worst. In that case there must also be Asian on Asian, Latino on Latino, and WHITE on WHITE crime, but you already know that won’t happen! The second reason (and I said this in the movement’s early days) there are other organizations that deal with crime in Black neighborhoods. BLM tends to focus on police brutality.